Balcony Safari

“Quite from the onset wildlife close to home has inspired photographers. However, I have not found a long term, year round photo project focusing on wildlife around one balcony, where the location is depicted in the photos. My aim is to fill this gap.”

My series depicts classic far away safari themes such as off-spring, death, migration, food and sanity, care, working together, being a predator in our closest outside environment.

All photos are taken on or from a one by two meters balcony on the second flour of a typical Swiss family home built around 1910 in the neighborhood “Fluntern” in Zuerich, Switzerland.

“This body of work is quite touching. I appreciate the impetus for making the photos (as a form of communicating and sharing with your father), and the idea of urban wildlife is an often discussed concept but in my knowledge, a rarely photographed phenomenon. I feel you are onto a very good ideas and you have very nice photos for the story.”

Anonymous reviewer at lens culture


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